J Dostal Investments, Inc. (JDI) does not provide personal financial advice via this website. JDI's website is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to its investment advisory services. This website is believed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regards to the subject matter covered. The accuracy of the information is not guaranteed and is provided with the understanding that we are not rendering legal, accounting, tax, or other professional services. The presence of this web site shall in no direct or indirect way be construed or interpreted as a solicitation to sell or offer to sell investment advisory services to residents of any state in which JDI is not currently authorized to do so. JDI may only transact business in those states in which it is licensed, or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from licensing requirements. Form ADV Part II, which details the business practices, services offered, and related fees of JDI, is available upon request.
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